When you're done recording the audio, you can add text or files, then share it with others.

To record an audio note, you just click on the microphone icon and start recording by clicking the Record button. There's also a new way to record a meeting and write notes about it at the same time, all archived for posterity in Evernote. You just need to select the note you want to share, click the Share button, then select the way you want to share the information. There's now a Share button in the menu bar of the Mac app. Next, Evernote now has the ability to share individual notes through Facebook, Twitter, email and any other way you can think of. Search speeds have been dramatically improved, so you can keep taking notes without worrying about waiting forever for search results. As Evernote mentioned, it's not uncommon for a user to now have several thousand notes, and the search times with Evernote for Mac were quite slow. To start with, the new app has greatly sped up searching your documents.

Users of the popular Evernote app for Mac are going to love the new 2.1 update released today.